DUI Victim Lawyers

Drunk driving is a serious felony. Texas state law requires that the vehicle driver involved in a DWI or DUI collision must undergo severe punishment and penalties. Every month, the Houston Police Department summons over 1,000 individuals for driving under the influence of alcohol. If you’ve been a injured in a DWI/ DUI accident, our top-rated accident lawyers at Texas Injury Attorneys are here to support you in receiving the compensation you deserve.

Why do DWI/ DUI accidents occur in Houston, Texas?

Individuals of Harris County are being affected at an astonishing rate due to drunk driving incidents. According to the Texas Department of Transportation, every twenty minutes someone in Texas is injured or killed in a drunk driving accident. Each year, approximately 11,000 people in the United States die because of drunk drivers.

According to Texas criminal code 49.04, a DUI accident can occur if an intoxicated person drives a car, heavy truck, or even a bicycle. There are a variety of circumstances that constitute a DWI/ DUI accident, such as:

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    Alcohol DUI

    Adults with more than 0.08 percent alcohol in their bloodstream, urine, or breath or commercial drivers have more than 0.04 percent liquor in their blood, urine, or breath.

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    Non-Alcohol DUI

    Adults with any traces of marijuana, heroin, cocoaine, lysergic acide diethylamide (LSD), salvia, morphine, psilocybin, or phencyclidine (PCP) in their bloodstream.

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    Types of DUI Accidents

    Car Accidents, motorcycle accidents, semi-truck accidents, uber/taxi accidents, pedestrian accidents, bicycle accidents

What type of injuries occur for DUI victims?

While there are several types of injuries that can arise in a Texas drunk driving accident, the following are the most prevalent:

  • • Burn injuries from moderate to severe cases
  • • Head injuries such as concussions, skull fractures, internal bleeding, etc.
  • • Broken or fractured bones
  • • Tissue injuries, including muscles, ligaments, and tendons
  • • Cuts, scrapes, bruises
  • • Whiplash
  • • Trauma

Contact our accident lawyers at Texas Injury Attorneys for a complimentary consultation to explore your possible legal rights if you feel that a product you are using is faulty causing you harm of any sort.

texas dui victim attorneys

How can Texas Injury Attorneys help you?

Texas Injury Lawyers specialize in DUI victim cases, which can provide you with a private case review and the compensation you require to put your life back together. Health insurance companies aren't looking out for your best interest. What interests them is saving money for their companies. Make a call to a reputable DUI accident attorney.

Contact the Texas Injury Attorneys to get the advice you need when working with insurance providers and other parties involved. That's why we recommend contacting us today if you or a love one are involved in a DUI victim incident. 1-713-250-8956

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